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Policies and By-laws


LE 001OSPSB Community Patrol

LE 002OSPSB Communications And Dispatch

LE 003OSPSB Crime, Call And Public Disorder Analysis

LE 004OSPSB Criminal Intelligence

LE 005OSPSB Arrest

LE 006OSPSB Criminal Investigation Management & Procedures

LE 007OSPSB Hate Bias Motivated Crime

LE 008OSPSB Hate Propaganda

LE 009OSPSB Joint Forces Operations

LE 010OSPSB Internal Task Force

LE 011OSPSB Search Of Premises

LE 012OSPSB Search Of Persons

LE 013OSPSB Police Response To Persons Who Are Emotionally Disturbed Or Have A Mental Illness Or A Developmental Disability

LE 014OSPSB Court Security

LE 015OSPSB Paid Informants And Agents

LE 016OSPSB Prisoner Care And Control

LE 017OSPSB Traffic Management, Enforcement And Road Safety

LE 018OSPSB Witness Protection

LE 019OSPSB Stolen Or Smuggled Firearms

LE 020OSPSB Collection, Preservation And Control Of Evidence And Property

LE 021OSPSB Elder And Vulnerable Adult Abuse

LE 022OSPSB Officer Note Taking

LE 023OSPSB Bail And Violent Crime

LE 024OSPSB Intimate Partner Violence Occurrences

LE 025OSPSB Supervision

LE 026OSPSB Missing Persons

LE 027OSPSB Child Abuse And Neglect

LE 028OSPSB Criminal Harassment

LE 029OSPSB Preventing And Responding To Occurrences Involving Firearms

LE 030OSPSB Property Offences (Including Break & Enter)

LE 031OSPSB Drug Investigation

LE 032OSPSB Illegal Gaming

LE 033OSPSB Prisoner Transportation

LE 034OSPSB Sexual Assault Investigation

LE 035OSPSB Waterways Policing (Safety)

LE 036OSPSB Child Pornography – Internet Child Exploitation

LE 037OSPSB Sudden Death And Found Human Remains

LE 038OSPSB Fraud And False Pretence Investigation

LE 039OSPSB Homicide

LE 040OSPSB Parental And Non Parental Abductions

LE 041OSPSB Proceeds Of Crime

LE 042OSPSB Robbery

LE 043OSPSB Vehicle Theft

LE 044OSPSB Youth Crime

LE 045OSPSB Suspect Apprehension Pursuits

LE 0046OSPSB Ontario Sex Offender Registry

LE 047OSPSB Police Response To High Risk Individuals

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