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Fingerprinting by appointment ONLY

Fingerprinting (Submission & Destruction)

You may be requested to submit fingerprints for three reasons

  1. You have a criminal record and require fingerprints for a Records Suspension (Pardon).
  2. For inconclusive results with respect to a Vulnerable Sector Check (see Vulnerable Sector below).
  3. Fingerprints are required for employment, including but not limited to, obtaining a VISA, obtaining a waiver, or by Immigration, Refugees and Citizenship Canada. 

If fingerprints are required, you will receive an email or a phone call to book a fingerprint appointment at the Owen Sound Police Service.  Please note Owen Sound Police Service conducts fingerprints by appointment ONLY, please contact 519-376-1234 x2216 to schedule a fingerprint appointment today.

Note to accused persons: If you have been charged with a criminal offence and have missed a fingerprinting appointment you are encouraged to contact the Sergeant at 519-376-1234 x2218 as soon as possible.


  1. Please be sure to have two pieces of government issued identification (one with photo) ready to present at the counter. 
  2. Fingerprinting services are provided to citizens living in the City of Owen Sound. Those who live outside of the City of Owen Sound will be charged an Out of Town Fee of $25.00. Individuals are required to show identification at the time of processing.

Vulnerable Sector

These checks are typically required for coaches involved in minor sports, day care providers, health care providers, those involved in teaching, etc.  Applicants requiring this type of record check are scrutinized through a more rigorous screening process, which will result in more applicants being identified as a potential match resulting in delays in receiving their record check.  Therefore, applicants should ensure they allow ample time to process the request should this situation arise.

Applicants who are impacted will receive an email or a phone call from the police service explaining the steps that must be followed for their VS check to be completed. They will be required to attend the police service to have their fingerprints taken. Fingerprints will then be submitted to the RCMP to confirm or refute the potential match. It should be noted that a potential match can result from a person having the same gender and date of birth as a known offender which in nearly all cases will be ruled out by a fingerprint comparison. 

For more information please visit the RCMP website | email the RCMP | Phone: 613-998-6362.


Destruction of Fingerprints Request:

If you were charged with a criminal offence by the Owen Sound Police Service, you may request to have your fingerprints and photograph destroyed and charges sealed from police records. 

Eligibility Criteria

You must be at least eighteen (18) years of age or older and the following timelines have elapsed:

  • Stayed Charges
    • At least one (1) year has elapsed from the date the stay was imposed, provided that the stayed charge has not been proceeded with.
  • Acquittal on Charges
    • Destroy on the expiration of two (2) months after the expiration of the time allowed for the taking of an appeal or where an appeal is taken on expiration of three (3) months after all proceedings in respect of an appeal having been completed.
  • Withdrawn or Dismissed (other than by acquittal)
    • At least thirty (30) days (appeal period) have elapsed from the disposition date.
  • Withdrawn upon entering into a Peace Bond
    • The peace bond has expired which is normally one (1) year from the disposition date.

If you participated in and completed a diversion program, your charges are deemed to have been withdrawn (therefore you may request consideration for removal of your fingerprints and photograph).

Application and Process

All requests for destruction of identification records shall be made by the person to whom the records relate or by another person (i.e. solicitor) who has been authorized by the person to make the request. A Request for Destruction of Identification Records Form shall be submitted accompanied by payment based on our current Fees for Services. Your request cannot be expedited.

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